Tour de Hearst Castle 2014 Cruise


“Tour de Hearst Castle”

Friday, Saturday & Sunday, October 10-12, 2014

Our 2nd “Tour de Hearst Castle” cruise is almost here!!! So, time to check the oil level on the old car and use a little elbow grease to get it out on the road. Remember, this is a club driving event so the rules still apply, Name Tags and you’ve gotta have some Blue Oval lineage or else you’ll be absolutely relegated to the back of the pack!

Here’s what we have planned so far:

FRIDAY 10/10/14

  • We will meet at our usual Macy’s parking lot spot (Main St. Mall) @ 9 AM and leave at 9:30 AM sharp
  • We will cruise up the freeway to Neptune’s Net in Malibu for lunch at 11:30 AM
  • Cruise up Highway 1 To Morro Bay and then to Cambria. Check in to the “Blue Bird Inn” in Cambria at about 3:30 PM
  • Dinner on your own at the Black Cat Bistro next door to the Blue Bird Inn or in Cambria or Moonstone

SATURDAY 10/11/14

  • Mini Wine tasting tour for those interested. Leave at 10:00 AM from Blue Bird
  • Lunch on your own —approximately Noon or so
  • Stroll through Cambria and meet for Dinner at the “Sows Ear” at 5 PM!
  • Spectacular “Hearst Castle Evening Tour” at 7:50 PM

SUNDAY 10/12/14

  • Breakfast on your own
  • Depart for home at your leisure as the tour is officially over


  • For those of you who want to stay an extra day because Monday is ‘Christopher Columbus” Holiday, there will be an informal drive north on Highway 1 on Sunday to Big Sur, stopping at several scenic points and having lunch at the “Phoenix” restaurant in Big Sur and then returning to Cambria. Dinner on you own, return home Monday anytime!


The Blue Bird Inn has parking in front of the rooms and the rates are reasonable. Below is a list of the rooms that are available and being held until Sept. 8th

Standard room King Bed $98.00 a night (4 rooms available)

Standard room Queen Bed $84.00 a night (7 rooms available)

Creekside Room/Balcony $140.00 per night (3 rooms available)

Also, they have more Standard rooms available but these are not being held.


BLUE BIRD INN: We have reserved an initial block of 15 rooms under the Cobra Club and reservations must be made directly with the inn by September 8, 2014. To do so, please go to their website at or call Kevin at (800) 552-5434


HEARST CASTLE EVENING TOUR: We have pre-paid for 30 people for the evening tour that starts at 7:50 PM. The cost is $36 per person payable via check to COCOA or $37.50 per person if paid online via PayPal. Payment must be received and reservations must be made with COCOA by September 9, 2014 in order to confirm your spot.

A printable flyer can be found here: 2014 Hearst Castle Tour Flyer

For any questions, please contact RJ Juarez (951) 833-7732 or Deane Palmer (949) 795-7294

Please send your check payable to COCOA to:

Deane Palmer

5665 Delacriox Way

Yorba Linda, CA 92687

RSVP by September 9, 2014 by clicking here


One thought on “Tour de Hearst Castle 2014 Cruise

  1. Andy Laverty Post author

    If anyone has any pics from this event that they want uploaded, let me know and I’ll be glad to help!


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