Stand 21 Safety Seminar

The Stand 21 Safety Foundation will bring new topics and speakers to its 4th Annual Racing Safety Seminar at the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, on Saturday, April 18th, from 9AM – Noon. Open only to drivers, crew, officials, medical staff, and others in the racing industry, it will cover the most current of safety topics, as well as present a keynote by a to-be-announced, racing champion.

As always, the focus of the Foundation is on motorsport safety education, and providing information that’s practical, and easy to apply. The goal is for everyone to leave with this newly acquired information, on which they can immediately act to improve their personal safety, or that of their racing teams or drivers. To enable that, the Foundation brings in internationally-respected motorsports safety experts, with their broad experience and impartial knowledge.

Says Yves Morizot, President of the Stand 21 Safety Foundation, “Having dedicated the last forty plus years to developing better safety equipment, I saw the need to bring the knowledge of racing safety experts down to the participants at all levels, and in all forms of racing. I have to thank Jim Michaelian, (President/CEO of the Grand Prix Association of Long Beach) for his ongoing support and encouragement for us to continue providing this safety seminar during this legendary race weekend.”

The seminar will address issues such as driver heat stress in race cars, which is becoming more recognized as a serious problem. Dr. Edward Potkanowicz, of Ohio Northern University, will provide the basics of heat stress’ impact on drivers during his talk entitled “The Heat of Competition”. Additionally, he will be offering suggestions on how the driver can better prepare for the challenge in the cockpit as the summer months approach.

Safety experts are also recognizing that what is worn under the driver’s suit can not only be critical in delaying the hazards of fire, and impact a driver’s body temperature, but that it may create its own dangers as well. Mike Hurst, Technical Manager at the SFI Foundation, the organization which issues and administers standards for the quality assurance of specialty performance and racing equipment, will discuss what can happen with unwise undergarment choices, and limitations now being considered for use of synthetic materials.

Distracted Driving can be a hazard on the racetrack as well as on the highway. How to keep better focused on the task at hand? Dr. Jacques Dallaire of Performance Prime will explain how mindset can improve one’s track success while helping avoid certain dangers.

As the new Snell SA2015 specification helmets reach the market later this year, racers will be asking what is different about these helmets, and how are they designed to protect them better? Ed Becker, the Executive Director and Chief Engineer of the Snell Memorial Foundation, the organization dedicated to research, education, testing and development of helmet safety standards, will explain what drivers need to know about SA2015, plus info on testing and helmet advancements in general.

And what about safe removal of a helmet in emergencies, when no one else is around? Martin Christensen, noted off road racer, will talk about this and other unique safety issues in the desolate desert racing environment.

These topics and more will be covered at the Racing Goes Safer session. Plus, there will be time included for questions and answers.

Admission to the Seminar will be free, however attendees must be members of the racing community, and must register ahead of time.

Because the event will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center, which is within the temporary circuit facility, attendees must have access to the track on Saturday. Those without track credentials or a ticket can purchase a general admission ticket for Saturday, at half price, through the Stand 21 Safety Foundation website.

All of those interested in attending the seminar (whether they need to purchase a ticket or not) need to register by April 10 by going to and clicking on “Seminar Registration”.

With the understanding of improved motorsports safety ever evolving, this seminar is guaranteed to bring you the latest, by the people who are at the forefront of that knowledge.

For any questions, or more information, contact

View their video on YouTube here:

One thought on “Stand 21 Safety Seminar

  1. Karen Fredrickson

    Would any club members be interested in buying Vintage 1965 World Champion Cobra T Shirts?
    White. Size Large.
    Still in the package… a bit dusty been stored for past 50 years!
    I have a case.



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