Cars & Coffee at the OC Fairgrounds!

Starting Saturday, August 22, from 7 – 9 am, Cars & Coffee will return to the OC every Saturday morning at the OC Fairgrounds. This is thanks to Doug Cavanaugh (Founder/CEO of Ruby’s Diner) who negotiated the deal with the State of California and the Marketplace. Seems like it’s too good to be true, but it’s not. It’s happening! – Barry Meguiar

UPDATE: Click here for the event flyer

8 thoughts on “Cars & Coffee at the OC Fairgrounds!

  1. cig1

    Congratulations on securing the venue … should workout just fine.

    Question: Will there be space for vendors, paid or not, to setup car related displays? Is there a contact for the organizers?



  2. Andy Laverty Post author

    Thanks for your comment and just to give credit where credit is due, COCOA OC did not partake in the negotiations for this new Cars N Coffee location, we are simply passing along the good news. đŸ™‚ The credit goes to Doug Cavanaugh who negotiated the deal. Regarding you questions, we don’t have this info at the moment, but stay tuned and, if the info comes our way, we’ll post it here! Thanks!

  3. Richar

    Cars and Coffee in Aliso Viejo will CONTINUE to operate as before. You just have more places to drive
    your car too.

    Please consider coming to both events.
    Note that on Sep 05, there will NOT be a Cars and Coffee at the Fair Grounds. Not on Sep 26th either.

  4. Julie Karges

    This Saturday Ford Motor Company is delivering the first customer ordered Focus RS to the OC Cars And Coffee gathering! They are bringing a film crew to film reactions and interviews. Please join us!


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