Willow Springs Open Track Fall Oct 24-25 2015

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Back on the track at Willow Springs!

Saturday and Sunday, October 24-25, 2015

Fall is almost here and that means it’s time to get ready for another Open Track weekend at Willow Springs International Raceway. This year, the event will be held on Saturday 10/24/15 and Sunday 10/25/15 but most participants will arrive sometime during the day on Friday the 23rd to get settled in early. Details about the event can be found below as well as a flyer you can download and mail in to register for the event. If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Park at 818-790-0427.

Here are some of the event details:

  • This isn’t a race and there aren’t any awards. We go to have a fun and safe weekend with our cars!
  • Entry fee for the entire weekend is $200
  • Cars will be teched at the track, but make sure your car is ready before you come out
  • Special hotel rates at the Oxford Suites in Lancaster if you mention the Cobra Owners Club
  • RSVP by October 20, 2015

We hope to see you there!

A printable flyer for registration can be found here: Willow Springs Registration Flyer

16 thoughts on “Willow Springs Open Track Fall Oct 24-25 2015

  1. Andy Laverty Post author

    So who’s going to this Willow Springs event this year? I’ll be there on Fri 10/23 in my 2001 Mustang Cobra.

  2. Andy Laverty Post author

    Kevin, there is a Mexican place near the airport that people sometimes go to or a hibachi place near the hotel. Also sometimes there is a BBQ Friday night at the track if you plan to get there on Fri.

    See you then!

  3. Kevin Wright

    Thanks Andy. I don’t think that I will be able to swing Friday night. I’ll be there bright and early Saturday with the KR for the drivers meeting. What is a good time to arrive – 7:00am?

    1. Andy Laverty Post author

      The driver’s meeting starts at 9 am so if 2 hours is enough time for you to get your car ready to go then I would say 7 am is ok. Right after the driver’s meeting there are usually a few laps for the teaching van and then the first group goes out.

  4. Kevin Wright

    Thank you Andy. Just an an aside, I love the nutty picture that I seem to have (purple monster). Not sure where it came from, but it’s cool!

  5. Andy Laverty Post author

    The pictures are randomly assigned by the website when you register but I’m glad you like it! As you can see from my picture, you can change it if you like. If you want to, let me know and I’ll send you directions!

  6. Brian Mayfield

    Weather is perfect, I’m not far from there, cool at night, got up to high 70’s yesterday little wind(knock wood) The Bullitt crew will be there Saturday AM close to 7, Always a fun time. I have suggested to my Bullitt brothers we pit at the end where last time the Galpin Cars were so we allow your motor homes etc. to bunch up, Also if possible I’d like to leave my car Saturday night with you guys…let us know if are parking is any issue should be 8 Bullitt’s and some support cars

  7. Andy Laverty Post author

    Brian, we will see you bright and early tomorrow morning. Sounds like a great collection of Bullitts!


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