Ashley Goodall’s 1966 Mustang that a Bakersfield Car Club Built Her

This story came to our attention from COCOA OC member, Brett Lowes, who is also a member of the Golden Empire Mustangs club in Bakersfield.

An except from the article:

Ashley, with the help of her parents, acquired the 1966 Mustang out of high school and it was her daily driver until a neurological disorder called RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, set in making it impossible to drive the manual-braked, non-power steering steed.

This is where Golden Empire Mustangs, a local Bakersfield club that participates in all aspects of the Mustang lifestyle, stepped in to help. There were other organizations including Bakersfield’s Outlaws car club that got involved as a way to say thank you to Ashley for everything she does for the community. The build took place at Outlaw member Jeff Hill’s incredible home shop. Mustang parts suppliers like National Parts Depot (NPD) and a host of Ford and Mustang businesses we’ll mention in upcoming expanded coverage were involved. The drop-dead gorgeous paintwork on Ashley’s ’66 was done by San Joaquin Collision.

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