Cruise from Tustin Ranch Golf Club to Superformance


We have arranged a triple whammy for Saturday, February 24th, that includes a short cruise to the Superformance / Hillbank facility in Irvine where you will enjoy a lunch of assorted sandwiches and pizza accompanied by a program provided by member, Mike Hartman, on ‘How I built my Factory Five Cobra’.  As an added bonus, the SoCal Shelby Club from San Diego will join us after their little longer cruise from down south.  Please see the details noted below and come join us for a fun and entertaining Saturday!

Date – Saturday, February 24th

Cruise Starting Point  –  Tustin Ranch Golf Club  12442 Tustin Ranch Road,  Tustin, Ca

Assembly Time for Cruise  –  9:30 AM at the golf course

Cruise Departure Time  –  10:00 AM

Cruise Endpoint – Superformance / Hillbank  1 Whatney, Irvine, CA  (Members not wishing to join the cruise may simply go directly to the Superformance facility at 10:45 AM)

Lunch  –  Assorted sandwiches, pizza, salad, dessert and drinks.  You are asked to bring $10 to the meeting to help offset the cost of the lunch.

RSVP?  –  Yes please!  Send your acceptance of this invitation to Hank at and indicate two (2) things:  if you are joining the cruise and if you are planning to have lunch so that we  may determine how much food to order.

Looking forward to seeing you all on February 24th!

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