Coronado Speed Festival 2014 and Car Corral

Event Details

Naval Air Station North Island
Intersection of 3rd St and Alameda Blvd.
Saturday, September 20, 2014 - Sunday, September 21 2014
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Contact Person

Deane Palmer

It’s time again for Fleet Week in San Diego!!!  Deane Palmer, our Co-Cruise Chairman, has made arrangements for 15 car corral passes at the upcoming “Coronado Speed Festival Vintage Races at North Island, San Diego”, which will be held on September 20-21, 2014.  Please RSVP below for a corral pass.  After doing so, Deane will then mail you your corral pass prior to the event.

Please be advised however, that you must first purchase your entrance tickets on the Fleet Week website in order to enter the base and the racing event:   The web site to purchase your entrance tickets is: .  By the way, that’s President Stockwell’s Mustang on the website 🙂

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.