2015 COCOA OC Rock N Roll Night


Join us for an end of summer Rock N Roll Night!

Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 6 – 10 pm

Hey Folks, time to dust off the dance shoes! Let’s get together and kick-off the end of summer with a terrific Rock N Roll Night Party at the Huntington Beach Muscle car club (aka – Frank, Paul and Alan’s clubhouse). There will be a great live entertainment from the Beatworks Band from Laguna Beach playing classics throughout the evening… until you either wear out your dance shoes or the lights are turned off!

Here are the details:

  • Rock N Roll dance attire is optional but might be fun!!!
  • Drive to the clubhouse, park your car, go inside… it’s as simple as that!
  • The address of the clubhouse will be provided in the RSVP email you get from our website
  • Our gracious hosts will be providing soda, water, chips and other munchies
  • BYOAB – Bring your own adult beverage (wine, beer, etc…) and any desserts you may want to share with friends
  • Remember to wear your COCOA OC name badge so we can all remember who we are 🙂

A printable flyer can be found here: 2015 Rock N Roll Night Flyer

Questions? Please contact RJ Juarez (951) 833-7732

RSVP for the party by September 23, 2015 by clicking here

5 thoughts on “2015 COCOA OC Rock N Roll Night

  1. Andy Laverty Post author

    Mike, the RSVP link is just above in the post. It’s also been sent out in the past few COCOA OC emails. Please refer to the last email sent out of you have any further troubles. Thanks!


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