JBA Ford Festival 2015

JBA75x75 JBA Speed Shop Presents JBA75x75

Ford Festival 2015 and the Art of the Mustang book launch!

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 23-25, 2015

Join JBA Speed Shop for a weekend Ford Festival at JBA Speed Shop, 5675 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, 92123. A national Motorbooks launch event will also be held featuring attendance by the famous editor Donald Farr of Ford Mustang lore. Meet him for his new book signing The Art of Mustang featuring many local San Diego Mustang owners and their cars.

The weekend begins with JBA shop tours from 3-5 p.m. before out of towners check-in at the local Four Points Sheraton on Aero Drive. A Friday 6PM-8PM welcome reception at Casa Machado (Montgomery Air Field) a no-host cocktail hour and buffet dinner with a guest speaker begins the weekend.

Saturday morning early highlights begin for spectators and participants from the COCOA with their JBA Mustang chassis dyno challenge beginning at 9AM, or/also participate in one of three driving events: two road rally/poker run (departing JBA to Julian 8:00AM and Coronado 10:00AM; $10ea) events and after lunch a Sonic Drive-In cruise beginning at 1PM-3PM. A no-host happy hour follows at the nearby microbrewery where JBA brew will be launched along with local suds tour.

Sunday 10-2PM will feature a car show ($10 to show) with awards, shop tours, a book signing for “Art of the Mustang,” Boll Weevil lunch ($10), car show, shop tours, displays of Mustangs featured in the book and Mustang performance cars, also enjoy live rock ’n roll by the Traumatics. Pre-Event registration $25 includes dash plaque and event T-Shirt, Raffle opportunity for prizes benefiting JBA recovering wounded warriors, extra event participation fees outlined above; events and tours free to view. Pre-order your hardbound book early from JBA direct for $35.00.

A printable registration form can be found here

A flyer for the Art of the Mustang book launch can be found here

For more info, please visit: http://extremejba.jbaracing.com/index.php/ai1ec_event/jba-ford-festival-15/?instance_id=113, www.jbaracing.com or call Linda at 858-495-3395.

We hope to see you there!

J. Biddle

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